Christian HolyLand Foundation serves Israel and Palestine through numerous ministries and outreach programs that proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom, nurture new believers, respond to human suffering through loving service, practice creation care, and transform unjust tenets of society through reconciliation efforts.
Below are three of the main ministries and outreach programs we use to engage with and nurture local communities in the Middle East.

Women's Ministry
Every year, with the beginning of Spring, the annual Mother's Day Celebration takes place in Eilabun, northwest of the Sea of Galilee. This is a daylong celebration of women and motherhood through worship, teaching and fellowship. Last year over 900 women gathered to worship Jesus, pray to the Father, and fellowship with other Believers (as well as neighbors from other backgrounds who want to know more about these Christians).
Women from more than two dozen different churches have been coming to this event for years. It is patterned in the tradition of an elaborate Middle Eastern wedding, reminding all of where Christ chose to perform his first miracle and the freedom he brought to everyone. This message is particularly important in a culture where women are too often under-valued and over-controlled. Even in today's modern culture, this is still an issue in typical Arab communities, and this is a wonderful opportunity to teach about the honor and respect we are all called to have for our mothers, wives, and all women.
Each attending woman pays about $30, but this only covers about half of the full cost of the event. Friends and church families in the U.S. partner with the team to cover the rest of this ministry that uplifts the role of the women in a God-honoring and family strengthening way.
Each gift of $30 will make it possible for the CHLF team to welcome another mother or sister to this wonderful day of fellowship and celebration in the name of Christ.
Youth Conference
The Holiday Youth Conference started in 2014 as a conference for young people from churches all over the Holy Land. The Lord is moving mightily among young people and He is preparing a generation that will boldly proclaim His truth. The first conference was held in Bethlehem with about 200 young attendees. Since then we have seen growth among the youth from one conference to another. We believe in preparing the next generation that will carry the baton for years to come.
Every donation to the Youth Conference will give more young people the opportunity to attend, grow, and become the spiritual leaders of the next generation.

Benevolence Ministry
In 2013, the CHLF team was looking for more ways to take their church into their community, rather than waiting for people to come into the church. They partnered with their villages and began providing food and basic supplies to 60 families in need, both Christian and Muslim. The program has grown exponentially and they now serve more than 150 families every month.
Donations to the Benevolence Ministry will help provide food and basic necessities to local families in need.